Okee so yesterday I read this on WIlliamsboard:
The Sopranos are having a yard sale (thanks for the tip, Logo)! The sale is listed on Craiglist (it doesn't specify it's for The Sopranos, but it is), and states there will be "plenty of furniture, lamps, rugs, antiques, books, kitchen and bathroom accesories etc. - a warehouse full of everything you can think of." We hope the "etc" stands for the jukebox that plays Journey songs, sweet velour tracksuits and Paulie Walnuts' tanning supplies. From experience with other prop sales everything gets picked over, and the good stuff will likely go fast (so go the first day). They also sell everything, so check the kitchen canisters and bathroom containers for cookies and Q-tips (and FBI bugs). Rummage through the Family's things starting tomorrow (and through June 25th - though who knows, the warehouse may fade to black for an abrupt ending) at 44th Road between 21st Street and 23rd Street, across from 21-36 44th Road (just across the 59th Street Bridge) in LIC. 10am to 3pm. Bring cash!
Having nothing else planned for the day James and I decided it would be fun to check out, plus Mark is a huge Sopranos fan so I thought it would probs be a good place to pick up a few presents. Anyway, after a bit of stuffing around finding the place we showed up about 20mins after it started. It seemed to be quiet an event, there were news cars n junk everywhere.
Anyway there was a heap of junk on sale, lots of little things like trophy's and pictures and nic nacs, as well as large stuff like furniture. You would have had to been a pretty good trainspotter to find any of this stuff in th show, it was basically just set dressing. I got interviewed & photographed by a guy from The New York Post - he mentioned that they are the sister paper to the Murdcoch press, so it's entirely possible you may see me in The Australian or Courier Mail. Oooooh My.
A lot of the stuff was really cool, lots of vintage clocks and pictures, kind of stuff I would pick up in an op shop anyways. So I found this heaps awesome clock and as we were leaving the guy told us that it was the clock that sat on Uncle Juniors Accordion - we found that too.
So yeah, a fun little outing and all our stuff came to a grand total of $7. Plus I pretty much should win a prize for getting Mark the best present ever "the clock from the Sopranos that sat on Uncle Juniors Accordion".
That's pretty much the grousest present anyone ever bought anyone. Honestly, fkn fantastic. And well done on the recovery Suz. :)
you better buy me a l8 birthday present as good as that clock. that is fkn awsm.
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