I went to Beacons Closet again, Beacons is this massive buy/sell/trade vintage store, they have a swt range of dresses all of which are pretty reasonably priced (around the $15 mark). I picked up two
Yr average kind of 80s black dress.
On Sunday's they have free bands at McCarren Pool, which kind of rules. Man Man played, they were ORSUM

After that we went and saw the Fiery Furnaces. I thought they were kind of average the last time I saw them in Bris but they were pretty good I guess. I was a bit drunk

The door girl at the venue was from Brisbane. Also, towards the end of the show this girl came up to me and was like "are you the australian" and I was all like, uh yeah I guess. Then she made some small talk and walked away. I was all like wth.
Today is Marks Birthday. I miss him a lot and wish I could be w/ him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAAARK. *<: ]
in america they serve yr beer with a complimentary orange juice!?! WOW!
Kelly Osbourne
Bedford and Lorimer
July 01, 2007 @ 4 PM
She was walking around the McCarren Pool Party with her hair wrapped up.
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