Thursday, July 12, 2007

M is for...

MC Hammer!

Every year for the Martin Luther King Concert series, there are free shows at Wingate Park in Flatbush, Brooklyn. By complete luck MC Hammer, Doug E Fresh, Slick Rick & MC Lyte (Old School Night) was on Monday 9th, I read that and was all like ZOMG - fk YES. The only problem was we already had tickets to Art Brut, I didnt mind giving up my ticket but I was concerned about travelling New York w/ out James, who is a master of the subway system. After some deliberation I decided to man up and do it alone.

So I took the sub out and made it to the suburb just fine. It was totally different to W'Burg, I wouldn't say getto, heaps urban maybe? Predominatly black and gritty. Yah. I found the concert w/ no worrries and made it through the MASSIVE line up to the gate, the security was so hardcore, all the men were getting patted down n junk. Full on. So I got up to the gate feeling happy, and the security woman was all "you cant come in w/ cameras" no exceptions. McHAmmer was about to come on and there was no point in taking two trains to get home and then two trains to get back so I stood around for a while feeling : [ : / and decided to just watch it from the gate. Here are some photos from anover blog
^ Pretty much where I was.

Hammer came on and it was as awesome as you'd expect - he had like a team of thirty dancers, so excellent
That was my view. It was so fun and then he played "cant touch this" and everyone went nuts.

I was pretty happy w/ my little view but then the damn 5-0 made us move away > : [ I made friends w/ this guy who also wasn't allowed in because of a camera so we set about finding a new place to watch. This was the best we could do
Not so great. But it was fun, about 40 people had gathered there and everyone was dancing and having a fun time, pretty swt - easily the best and most funnest audience Ive been in.

Mc Lyte was next and was a huge hit w/ the crowd, the venue was at her old school so I guess she was a sentimental favourite. She put on such a good show.

The get Fresh Crew came out next and played some warm up tracks, the Doug E Fresh came on. He was so fkn excellent, a real entertainer, making jokes and generally just making everyone go nuts. Then he was like "I wouldn't be here without ONE guy, this man was rocking the Bling Bling before it was Bling Bling"

*crowd goes nuts*

Then Slick Rick cam on and rapped while Doug E Fresh beatboxed. It was the best show i've been to, hands down.

Luckily for me, my new pal was catching a bus going my way, so I didn't have to navigate the subs at 1:00am. I DID however get off my bus, oh, about 100 stops to early. It took me about 45mins to walk home : [

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